
Employee Onboarding Gifts

Codify your workplace culture in a hybrid or remote-first team environment.
Make your values statements come to life the moment a candidate accepts an offer by bringing a physical touchpoint into the onboarding experience.

The Headwinds

Many flex-first companies struggle to engender a sense of unity and belonging in new hires who only occasionally go into the office (or are based out of their home office entirely).
G&A Partners' research shows that, at its worst, turnover rates can be as high as 20% in the first 90 days.
New hires might still be going through the interview process with other companies who took longer to get back to them; a freshly hired employee might leave if they sense disorganization or lack of unity within those first 90 days.

Leverage the Smart Gifting Platform

By Sozo Gifts

Set the tone

Timing is your program's most important variable.


Create a program that can land a gift on your new employee's doorstep 1-2 days before they start their first day. This will build anticipation, engender a sense of loyalty early on, and set the tone for their first few weeks with your company.

Let them choose

Put the power of choice into your new-hire's hands, while building your brand.


Our fully white-labeled ELIGERE tool allows you to manage sending gift invitations to varying tiers of employees, all from one central dashboard.

Reflect your values

As you build your employee onboarding program, work with our Gift Consultants to leverage our fee-free custom gift program and craft a gift that acts as a physical expression of your corporate values.

Start Sending Gifts

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