
Gourmet Hot Cocoa Gift Box

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Gift Details

The gift recipient will be treated to a new, Luxe cocoa experience by TEASPRESSA that is free from artificial flavors. Simply drop an all natural cocoa cube into a cup of hot whole milk, coffee or tea and enjoy an instant cocoa. The kit includes Peppermint Topping and Marshmallow Topping for a photographic-quality and tasty garnish.

Armoire salted dark chocolate is a deep, rich, and silky compliment to this toasty coffee. The chocolate's flavor is full of complex cocoa, balanced by subtle salt crystals and an undertone of silky cream.

Also included in this gift box are two high-quality 12-ounce glass coffee mugs that are custom-etched with your logo. No matter how many times this dishwasher-safe glass is washed, the etching will never wear off.

This gift box is tied together with two marble and metal hexagonal coasters by Mary Square.



Curated for the Holidays.


Gift Box Contents

  • 1 Holiday Cocoa Kit by TEASPRESSA
  • 1 package of Armoire salted dark chocolate
  • 2 custom etched glass coffee mugs
  • 2 hexagonal marble and gold metal coasters by Mary Square
  • Mini-LuxeCollection gift box by Sozo Gifts
  • Custom-printed thank you card
  • Sozo Gifts SecureShip Gift System