
Quarterly Wine & Glasses Subscription Gift Series (At this time we cannot ship wine to WY, SD, VA, VT, OK, HI, LA, GA, SC, MI, IN, VA, MD, NJ, CT,NH)

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Ensure you're logged in with your qualifying business account to access business pricing for this gift box - $175: Click here to learn more.


Gift Details

This one-year subscription ensures that your client gets a beautiful bottle of wine every quarter, without you ever having to lift a finger, keeping you top of mind for referrals and follow-up purchases.

When you purchase our quarterly wine gift, we will send a gift box with a bottle of wine and a set of laser-etched 15-ounce stemless wine glasses as an immediate gift. We will then send a new wine gift box every 3 months from that first order date until all 4 wine gifts have been sent.

Click each link to learn more about the 2015 Sozo Cabernet Sauvignon & Glasses, Sozo Chardonnay Gift Box, 2015 Sozo Pinot Noir Gift Box, and our 2011 Sozo Sangiovese Gift Box that are included in this high-impact subscription series.



Double Gold Medal Winner - 2018 Seattle Wine Awards (Sozo 2015 Cabernet)



The perfect gift to make a long-term impact with true wine lovers.


Gift Box Contents